
/* Hola, mundo */

conocimiento = => entender(info));

Un resumen sesgado de mi año 2023

Un año más que muerde el polvo. O uno menos, como ese tipo escéptico hasta rayar el nihilismo que en ocasiones veo en el espejo afirmaría. Antes que nada, dos cuestiones importantes. La primera es que eso tan anglosajón de publicar un artículo contando tus…

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Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 4

👋 This article is the fourth and final installment in English of the original Spanish post "Descubriendo Google AppSheet en 48 horas", which was previously published on this blog in August 2023. Part I. Introduction and data Part II. Tables and the formula language Part…

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Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 3

👋 This article is the third installment in English (of a series of four) of the original Spanish post "Descubriendo Google AppSheet en 48 horas", which was previously published on this blog in August 2023. Part I. Introduction and data Part II. Tables and the…

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Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 2

👋 This article is the second installment in English (of a series of four) of the original Spanish post "Descubriendo Google AppSheet en 48 horas", which was previously published on this blog in August 2023. Part I. Introduction and data Part II. 🡆 Tables and…

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Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 1

👋 This article is the first installment in English (of a series of four) of the original Spanish post "Descubriendo Google AppSheet en 48 horas", which was previously published on this blog in August 2023. Part I. 🡆 Introduction and data 🡄 Part II. Tables…

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